A simple system to Charge Your Worth
How Any Freelance Hairdresser or Salon Owner Can Charge Correctly In As Little As 2 Weeks 

Discover the pricing strategy which changed our business!

Are you ready to have a bullet proof system to charge your worth?

We are Natalie and Natasha, and we are twin sisters who co-own a hairdressing salon in Lancashire, England.

We have worked in the hairdressing industry for a very long time!

As toddlers we would even pretend play hairdressing together.

We always planned on owning a salon and we gained a great deal of salon experience and qualifications before we took the leap and opened our first salon together.

This should be taught at a basic level
...before you even think about starting a business!
Here is the thing...
Whilst we thought we knew how to run a business and oh boy, did we have passion and enthusiasm.

The reality was this...

Whilst, collectively we had amazing customer and hairdressing skills, we had never been given the fundamental knowledge to run a profitable business!

The First Avoidable Problem? Pricing!

We did our market research and figured out our pricing, based on what other salons were charging.


Before we knew it we were 
✔️a busy salon, ✔️with a large team, ✔️a large account with a colour supplier, ✔️a high turnover and working lots of hours, 

🤯with very little left in the bank at the end of each month.

📈We grew the team, we expanded opening hours, we even opened a second salon....

Guess what... 
the problem was never solved! 

It didn't matter ❌how much we expanded,  ❌how much we worked,  ❌how many clients we saw...

📉What came into the business, always went straight back out.

😢After 10 years of worry and sleepless nights, we admitted defeat. 

How could we be working so hard in the businesses but never actually growing the bottom line?

We made a decision to work ON our business to try and see where we were going wrong. 

With the help of an amazing salon business coach, we uncovered some huge flaws in our pricing strategy! 

We realised that some services were even making us a loss!

It was soul destroying to see that we had worked so hard over 10 years and actually lost money on some of the most popular services!

We invested our time into our pricing strategy and followed Jessica Crane's coaching.

Within a couple of weeks we started noticing the impact of very small tweaks, which inspired us to continue...

Within a quarter we had made a huge difference to the regular profit and within a year we had made a sizeable change in our bottom line!

Since then we have realised that our initial pricing strategy is actually very common! 

There are salon owners and freelance hairstylists all over the world who are working extremely hard and often not gaining the monetary rewards for their efforts!

Salon Owners, like us who are simply not charging their worth!

We have obsessed over why there is such a large scale of salons who work their asses off for a monetary loss and the reason is very simple!
As an industry we are just not taught how to charge our worth and price for profit!

Its almost a "dirty word"

We want to share our exact pricing tweaks with salon owners and freelance hairdressers to remove their old pricing strategies and confidently charge their worth!

If, like us, you are not charging your worth stress then this is for you!

Its time to take back control and gain ultimate pricing confidence!

We have teamed up with our business Coach, Jessica, to give you the exact pricing changes that we made in our salon business!

These small tweaks made such an impact to us that we decided to make them available for all salon owners and freelance hairdressers to watch and learn, wherever they are and whenever they want!

We realised just how common these pricing problems were and want to help to remove this stress and increase your profit!

We realised it was time to share the pricing secrets which changed our business!

Why should salon owners suffer with price related anxiety and be worried about charging their worth?
Why should hairdressers loose sleep, loose money and time when the problem can be solved so easily?

Here is why we developed Charge you Worth.
Real pricing strategy made easy!
Pricing education made affordable!
Pricing education made accessible!

This is not like any other pricing education! First of all there is no BS💩 - Just tested and proven pricing strategy to charge your worth! To help salon owners around the world right now!

We will talk you through a real salon price and break down the exact elements we use to charge our worth!

We will also show you a visual demonstration of  pricing a bleach and tone service!
Fast track your success by learning from the mistakes that we made!
and get that all important work life balance 💯 have a confident pricing strategy ✔️ finally see money in your account at the end of each month ✔️ grow your business ✔️
And guess what...
You can access The Charge your Worth straight away, as many times as you want, and rewatch again and again!
You will have access to the Charge your Worth in your own password protected members area so if you want to revisit any of the education, you can whenever you want, wherever you are!
Simple, affordable and accessible!
Yes... in less than 1 hour, you can get access to a pricing strategy that cost us time and money to implement... 

  • Discover the tweaks we made in our own business!
  • See how we implement the profit equation into an exact bleach and tone price!
  • ​Learn the mistakes which were stopping us from growing our business! 
  • See how we implemented Jessica Cranes Award Winning Profit Equation
There Is NO CATCH!

There is No Catch!
If you’re thinking, "less than £10? There must me a catch!"

then here are three reasons that should put your mind at ease:

We want our pricing story information within the reach of everyone. 🙂

We really do want to share our story so that we can inspire others to charge their worth!

and in our experience charging correctly is one of the biggest problems in an industry which we LOVE!

We are also cool like that… and we like to hook up our friends – we hope we can be friends 👯‍♀️

and that’s it… just the information you need and the results you want.

No fine print… no “hidden trials”… no funny business.

We are sharing our pricing story, for less than the price of a blow dry, to prove to you that THIS STUFF WORKS!

Our hope is that you’ll love it and this will be the start of a good relationship for years to come.

But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind…
Time Is Of The Essence...

Of course it has cost us money and time to work with Jessica, implement her training and then create this education, we actually lose money when giving away education for free!
It costs  just over £21.00 in advertising to sell a masterclass.

So why would we do that? 🤷🏼‍♀️

Simple. The idea is that you’ll be SO impressed with what you are getting today that you’ll want even more help from us in the future.

Anyway – with that said, this is a limited offer.
You Must Act Fast!
Here's One Last Recap Of Everything You'll Get today When You get HEIR Education Charge your Worth Story.
Give Me Instant Access To Charge Your Worth RIGHT NOW For Just £9.99!
  Instant Access To Charge Your Worth  (Value £5000)
  A visual demonstration of a real colour consultation to charge your worth  (Value £129)
  Access to the changes we made in our own salon pricing strategy which made a HUGE difference! (£9997 without these changes we would not be open today!)
  PLUS discover the mistakes we made in our pricing strategy which held us back for 10 years! (Value £9997)
Total Value: £25,122.00
Today Just £9.99
We can't wait for you to join the community of professional, confident and profitable hairdressers!

Thanks again,
Natalie and Natasha x x 
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What you will get!
  • ​Instant Access To Charge Your Worth (Value £5000)
  • ​A visual demonstration of a real colour consultation to charge your worth (Value £129)
  • Access to the changes we made in our own salon pricing strategy which made a HUGE difference! (£9997)
  • ​PLUS discover the mistakes we made in our pricing strategy which held us back for 10 years! (Value £9997)
  • ​Total Value: £25,122.00 TODAY JUST £9.99!

ONE TIME OFFER - Only £9.99: The Colourist Secrets Masterclass! The colourist secrets which will outrageously transform your colour results and profit in just 30 days. The ultimate guide to consistent colour results.

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